In the small local school of Cheratte, a former mining town, 11-year old students with and immigrant background are coming to the end of their primary school education with Brigitte. She is a dynamic teacher whose particular pedagogical approach aims to give these pupils a firm foundation to build on in this constantly changing world.
Throughout the school year, the film follows these children, grandsons of miners, mainly Turks and Muslims.
While some of their elders opt for identity closure, this film evokes the challenge awaiting these children to integrate into current society, in the face of terrorist attacks and harassment via social media.
This documentary record is an ode to life. It captures the children's spontaneity,their joy of living, the end of childhood. The children's voices gradually weave the links between past, present and future.
Directors : Thierry Michel & Pascal Colson
Authors : Christine Pireaux, Thierry Michel & Pascal Colson
Photography :Thierry Michel & Pascal Colson
Sound : David Henrard, Sylvain Lejeune, Olivier Charlier & Jean-Sébastien Debry
Montage image : Idriss Gabel
Montage son : Sébastien Dewalque
Editor adviser : Emmanuelle Dupuis
Mixing : Michel Goossens
Grading : Benjamin Dontaine
Music : Michel Duprez, François Petit & Romain Geuzaine
Production manager : Céline Rauw
Production secretary : François Dombret
Producers : Les Films de la Passerelle
Christine Pireaux & Thierry Michel
Feature film : 100 minutes
Support : HD
Versions : french, english & dutch